

TurvaTankki 440l

Measures: Width 860 mm Height 1470 mm Depth 900 mm Weight 200 kg Accessory container’s measures (extra equipment): Width 800 mm Height 800 mm Depth 400mm Equipment in accessory container include: manual pump Nira 6B hose 3.5m tank up pistol overpressure valve tank up connector/unit Kamloc 2” extra ¾” unit for quick-connect fitting when using machines own […]

TurvaTankki 660l

Measures: Width 1100 mm Height 1470 mm Depth 900 mm Weight 255 kg Accessory container’s measures (extra equipment): Width 800 mm Height 800 mm Depth 400mm Equipment in accessory container include: manual pump Nira 6B hose 3.5m tank up pistol overpressure valve tank up connector/unit Kamloc 2” extra ¾” unit for quick-connect fitting when using machines own […]

TurvaTankki 960 and 1100l

Measures 960 liter 1100 liter Width 1450 mm 1665 mm Height 1520 mm 1520 mm Depth 950 mm 950 mm Weight 330 kg 355 kg Accessory container’s measures (extra equipment): Width 800 mm Height 800 mm Depth 400 mm Equipment in accessory container include: manual pump Nira 6B hose 3.5m tank up pistol overpressure valve tank up connector/unit […]

TurvaTankki 560l

TurvaTankki 560l is a special low tank model for vans and pick up trucks. Measures: Width 1250 mm Height 850 mm Depth 900 mm Weight 220 kg Equipment in accessory container include: manual pump Nira 6B hose 3.5m tank up pistol overpressure valve tank up connector/unit Kamloc 2” extra ¾” unit for quick-connect fitting when using machines own […]

Colour marking

Harvestermark Colour marking Harvestermark  is a tested and studied colour marking substance that has been developed with machine manufacturers for the forest industry. Motomark slides better than others and is excellent for Harvesters’ colour marking pumps that need oiling. Harvestermark doesn’t contain any toxic methanol. Product is safe to use for both the user and […]

Sharq P300™-Reikäterä

Sharq P300™-reikäterä vähentää teräkuluja, liukastumisriskiä ja hiekoituskuluja. Sharq P300 -reikäterä karkaistaan 600 brinellin kovuuteen, lisäksi se on sitkeämpi kuin original-reikäterät. Näillä ominaisuuksilla terästä saadaan kestävämpi. Ainutlaatuisen rakenteensa  ja rei’ityksensä ansiosta P 300-reikäterä on aina valmis käyttöön. Kun edellinen ”hammas” kuluu pois, on seuraava aina valmiina tekemään puhdasta jälkeä. Lisäksi terästä ei tule tylsää kulumallakaan. P […]

Sharq P300-Kumireikäterä

P 300-kumireikäterässä on reiät on vulkanoitu kumilla umpeen estämään lumen, polanteen, jään ja loskan kulkeutuminen terän läpi. Lisäksi se vaimentaa tärinää ja meteliä, joten se on myös kuljettaja- ja ympäristöystävällinen terä. Taloudelliset ominaisuudet ovat kuten Sharq P 300-reikäterällä. Rakenteensa ja leveytensä ansiosta se on mahdollista hyödyntää loppuun asti, joten kilometrikustannukset ovat edulliset verrattuna esim. hammasterään, josta voi […]

Swing, damper, MPB

Indexator’s latest MPB (Multi Plate Brake) damping links offer the most advanced technology for effective damping. A MPB damper gives you a high and smooth braking force, great control with minimum maintenance. It minimizes the swing of attachments during crane movements, ensuring faster and safer working with less strain.  With MPB damping links you get […]

SuperGrip SG

Hultdins SuperGrip SG is a grapple for timber handling. Features: Patented tapered sleeve pin design eliminates any joint motion Cushioned cylinders to reduce shock loads 1000 hour greasing interval Dual push rods for balanced design High strength and reliability minimize stagnation time Grapple saw option available on all models Technical data.

SuperGrip SG-S

Hultdins SuperGrip SG-R is a grapple for logging waste and waste handling. Features: Patented tapered sleeve pin design eliminates any joint motion Cushioned cylinders to reduce shock loads 1000 hour greasing interval Dual push rods for balanced design High strength and reliability minimize stagnation time Grapple saw option available on all models Technical data.

SuperGrip SG-R

Hultdins SuperGrip SG-R is a grapple for logging waste and waste handling. Features: Patented tapered sleeve pin design eliminates any joint motion Cushioned cylinders to reduce shock loads 1000 hour greasing interval Dual push rods for balanced design High strength and reliability minimize stagnation time Grapple saw option available on all models Technical data.

Compact GLC

GLC grapples are component structured, bolted joint manufactured grapples. They are easy to maintain. Body components are steel casting. Technical data.